Port of Tacoma tree planting

Sentinel Tree Planting – Port of Tacoma


Ports are major pathways for invasive species. Planting and monitoring trees near ports of entry will enhance our ability to detect new invasions early, before they spread or become more challenging to contain.

Read more about the project.


The Ornamental Plant Pathology program planted 15 species of trees at the Port of Tacoma in the Spring of 2024. The site is a great location for monitoring trees for the detection of introduced plants or pathogens.


The health of planted trees will be assessed monthly. We’re also looking for community scientists interested in monitoring the site during alternating weeks or higher frequencies.


The planting at the Port of Tacoma is a great location for training and learning about the factors that affect tree health. We invite groups or individuals to contact us to get involved in the monitoring, to organize a training, or to request more information and opportunities to learn.


The Ornamental Plant Pathology program received support from the USDA Forest Service International Programs to establish a sentinel tree planting in partnership with the Port of Tacoma. A site has been selected and prepped. Tree planting will begin in January 2024.

Tree planting

Sentinel Tree Monitoring

Please share your details below if you are interested in helping protect our forests by monitoring trees at the Port of Tacoma for novel plant pests and diseases.
Please indicate 'public' if you are interested in contributing in your own capacity.
Please select the choices that best represent your availability to visit the site at the Port of Tacoma. Hold shift while clicking to select multiple options.
Please use this space to share any other comments about your interest or availability with the project leaders.