Grit City Tree Count

Help Inventory Tacoma’s Trees

Why Inventory Trees?

Tree inventories are essential for protecting trees and communities. They provide essential information about trees within the city, such as the species, location, condition, and size.

Street trees in Tacoma

A more complete tree inventory will add capacity for the City of Tacoma to:

  • Quantify urban forest benefits and economic value
  • Manage hazards
  • Plan for land use change
  • Prioritize tree maintenance
  • Conserve biodiversity
  • Adapt for mitigating the effects of climate change and invasive species
  • Show where there is planting opportunities
  • Provide data for developing urban forest policy and regulation
  • Generate support for urban forest programs and resources

Tacoma’s Current Tree Inventory

More tree counts needed

Tacoma has started a tree inventory, but it is not yet complete. Documenting, measuring and monitoring the existing trees and available planting areas is a priority need by the City of Tacoma.

Explore Tacoma’s current tree inventory map here:

Tacoma’s Existing Tree Inventory

Environmental Disparity and Inequity

Participate in this program to help address urban forest and environmental health disparities by identifying areas for tree planting. Participate in training and inventory events this summer to learn skills and knowledge for equitably growing Tacoma’s urban forest.

Results of the inventories will be shared to raise awareness of vulnerabilities and opportunities to enhance community resilience to urban and community forestry issues.

Street with few trees
Street without trees in South Tacoma

Street with many horse chestnut trees
Street with many old trees in North Tacoma

Community Involvement

Help grow and keep our neighborhoods healthy

Tacoma needs more community involvement in urban forestry programs.

Learn skills you can use everyday

Volunteers will learn skills for identifying and caring for trees.

Tacoma Volunteer Tree Inventory – Sign Up

Gift cards may be available for compensating participants with demonstrated need.
This will help us determine if we can provide gift cards. Please review:
Please use this space to share more about your interests in the project (e.g. help my community, learn new skills).
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments at this time.


Funding for this project is provided by the Washington’s Department of Natural Resources 2024 Washington Community Forestry Assistance Grants.